Brand Identity and Logo Creation
To create a new synergy and togetherness for the newly merged Harva Marketing & WaveCrest organisations. They needed an identity that is easy to identify with and could be implemented in a systematic and stylish way for all future mergers and acquisitions, with a clear sunsetting period for name changes to the WaveCrest brand.
Old name, complete new logo, visual identity and style guides.
Company divisions and own label products and services were aligned under the new identity and rebranded to create better consistency in all channels.
Brand identity & logo design: David Kaye
Creative Direction: David Kaye
Graphic Design: David Kaye
Copywriter: Päivi Salminen
Website design: Ville Teikko / Juho Hakola / David Kaye
Website design: Ville Teikko / Juho Hakola / David Kaye